Give Happiness

Our Mission

Saving animals is not only our Pawssion, saving animals is our Priority.

Pets are family, and family is everything. We’re here to help as we believe in second chances.

Help keep pets united with their owners/families. Home is a place where pets belong, money should never be the reason to tear families apart. We are merely asking for a paw. Your donation goes a long way in supporting pets with their health, well being as well as in educating families how to provide the best care for and protect their pets.
The best things in life are safeguarded. Don’t delay, be a hero today, help us make the world a better place and restore hope back into the hearts and lives of many. You will be very proud you did. Thank you for making a difference to support happy paws and healthy homes for these wonderful pets and their families.

We’re always looking for new volunteers.

Become Committed