Welcome to Lightning Hockey Select

Welcome to Lightning Hockey Select, the premier hockey team. Our team is made up of talented players who are passionate about the sport and committed to working hard to achieve success. We are focused on building a strong team culture, pushing each other to perform at our best, and achieving our goals both on and off the ice. Our players are dedicated, hardworking, and determined, embodying the spirit of Lightning Hockey Select both on and off the ice. We welcome you to explore our website and learn more about our team and our mission. Thank you for your interest in Lightning Hockey Select!

Robert Barlow


Robert Barlow is a highly dedicated and passionate coach and owner of the Lightning Hockey Select team. He has a wealth of experience in the hockey world, having played at a high level himself and spent countless hours honing his coaching skills. Robert is known for his ability to bring out the best in his players, constantly challenging them to improve and pushing them to reach their full potential. He is a master at creating a positive team environment and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among his players. Robert's dedication to the game is unwavering, and he is committed to ensuring that Lightning Hockey Select remains one of the most respected and successful teams in the league.