With over 100 years combined Railroad experience in just about every craft, we offer expert solutions to your Railroad needs. We have likely been there, seen it before, or identified processes through our many years of experience to smoothly solve your problems proactively or as they arise. We do so with world class safety results, efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Some of our services:
Track Flagging, Track Maintenance & construction. Civil work and design. Vegetation control, consulting, green space builds or existing rehabilitation projects, Operations evaluations, Testing, Training, one contact project management, formal investigations, derailment callout & cleanup oversight, FRA Conductor 240 & engineer 242 classroom training, on the Job training, evaluations and licensing. We can take on your FRA submissions and compliance program to ensure compliance , training and oversight matchup in the real operating world and ensuring you meet and exceed all Federal standards. Labor Relations, Operations & Safety training specific to your operating environment and company culture. On Track Safety & Flagging Training. Forklift and On Track - Track Mobile certification (Oshea compliant). Facility and Personell audits with detailed report of findings and recommendations. Recommendations typically cover culture & opportunities. physical environment, engineering out all physical safety items as possible. Rules in place & overall compliance. Human resource progressive discipline process and execution thereof. Job observation safety documentation and recommendations of any. Basic HR functions for instance hiring, formal investigations, pre-employment items of need. Train the Trainer!!!!
& MORE…..Just ask!!
Our team can handle just about any project you can throw at us. If we can't - we will tell you and recommend a trusted business partner whom specializes in that specific scope or need!
We look forward to working with you,
Zach Norwood