
My name is Jamie, owner/founder of Companion Animal Care LLC. I have been working as a credentialed veterinary technician in the state of Colorado since 2009. After several years in clinical practice, I decided to create a mobile business to service clients in Lone Tree and surrounding areas (within a 5-mile radius), providing in-home pet care for dogs, cats, and other small animals. I strive to deliver compassionate, professional care to you and your beloved pets!

Companion Animal Care LLC's image


Services include, but are not limited to:

- Pet sitting drop-ins

- Medication administration (including insulin injections and subcutaneous fluids)

-Nail trims

-Ear cleaning

- Gland expression

If you have a special request, don't hesitate to ask! I will do my best to accommodate your needs!

**Please note that I am not a veterinarian, and cannot diagnose health issues or prescribe medication**

Companion Animal Care LLC's image

Companion Animal Care LLC's image