eKENETIX is dedicated to bringing our customers the fastest and most efficient electric

Find the things you didn't know you wanted.

I have spent years and years as service and maintenance on different types of electric devises. They are changing rapidly. We will help you stay up with the newest designs and upgrades,most powerful, crazy fast, longest play time. Rides hard flys far! Electric transportation for sport or extreme commuting. Powerful electric motorcycles. I do not mean to sell anyone a dirtbike that only has a top speed of 25mph. 35mph and above and if it is under 40mph it will be a great ride and great deal. All electric. Also some twists. Solar kits. Electric conversion kits for motorsports.

Electrical appliances also may fall into the fray. I am fan of PCP air guns. Admittedly a newbie, I stumbled on some of the most amazing air rifles. These masterpieces of airgun smithing, lit a fire, yet to be distinguished by dreary, plink plink boredom. Not the Red Rider with the compass in the stock we all thought we would shoot our eyes out with. These are precision at its funnest!

In short, we are going to have a lot of fun bringing you the best the world has to offer. Hope you enjoy.

Thank You
F.S. Albright