Cupcake Shop

Welcome to Majestic's Cupcake Emporium business page!..
Here is a little about me my name is Diane, I have been baking since I was young I am self taught but I still am a beginner baker, mom of 3. A little about my business it is just starting I love making cupcakes so that is why it is called Majestic's Cupcake Emporium, I started selling my cupcakes only because of friends and family suggested that I should so here I am
Message for inquiry
Variety of flavors ( with more to come)
Prices vary depending on amount and flavors.
Cupcake cakes( pull apart) available ( only small to medium size cakes which is 12-48 cupcakes( these prices vary as well depending on amount and flavors)..

We have many flavors and more to come..
We do small to medium cupcake cakes (pull apart cupcakes)(12-48 size) prices vary depending on flavors and design