Exoglide an amazing Journey

Hi, I'm Dr. Justin Ringgold a physical therapist. I invented Exoglide while treating patients recovering from ankle surgery, ankle sprains and a number of other ankle maladies such as achilles tendonitis, peroneal tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and a number of other lower extremity maladies. I also found that it has benefited approximately 95% of those who I have tried it on instantly. I have even found it to work on some cases with lingering knee pain. My new product is a well designed 3D printed product with excellent results. One of my greatest success stories is from a patient that was experiencing plantar fasciitis for 5 years on both feet 7 out of 10 pain and instant relief of 0 out of 10. I'll be opening up a Facebook page and will have many more testimonials from my patients.

Is this product for you?

I can't guarantee that you will have complete resolve of symptoms but you should notice improvement in range of motion (ROM) or decrease in pain once applying this product or this product isn't for you or you are not far enough along in your healing process. This product can only be worn with regular tennis shoes with access to eyelets. I have seen the greatest results on subacute (injuries that are at least 2-3 weeks old), or chronic conditions (lasting longer then 3 months). Before trying this product you should consult your Physician and/or Physical Therapist.

You should not wear this product if you have peripheral vascular disease or decrease sensation in your lower legs and feet.