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The new hydrophobic EDOF IOL from VSY coming soon ….

enova advanced

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What is glistening?
Let’s watch……..

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Glistening start affecting the quality of vision

When it comes to monofocal IOL selection for your patient

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ENOVA is your best choice

The 2nd generation hydrophobic monofocal IOL that offer a long life quality vision with 100% glistening free optic

When it comes to premium IOL selection no more compromise

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Trinova pro C pupil adaptive


Pupil diameter changes by lightning condition and eye accommodation state

Changing pupil diameter affects our visual performance due to the retinal illumination level and the directional sensitivity of the retinal photoreceptor cells.16

Acriva Trinova Pro C Pupil Adaptive® offers a Golden Ratio experience to improve patients’ quality of life by maximizing the quality of vision aligned with patient needs in all distances and every possible lighting conditions.

VSY offers a full range of quality products

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Protectalon OVD holds a 7% share of global cataract surgery

Protectalon’s expanding presence within the global cataract surgery landscape is a clear reflection of its superiority and the trust it has garnered among healthcare professionals and patients alike

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