Body Contouring Services please review the following:

All clients must be 18 years or older, you cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are currently under physicians care, I strongly advise you consult with your physician prior to booking your treatment session. A doctors note will be required. If you are in your menstral cycle please wait until cycle ends to recieve services.

I am unable treat clients who have the following:
    ▪    Implant devices such as pacemakers, electrical prosthesis, cochlear implants or large metal implants.
    ▪    Heart valve replacement
    ▪    MS Treatment
    ▪    Autoimmue Conditions
    ▪    Severe heart disease
    ▪    Kidney/Liver/Fatty Liver Failure
    ▪    Metal implants in or near treatment area
    ▪    Epilepsy
    ▪    AIDS/HIV
    ▪    Cancer (all forms)Clients undergoing chemotherapy/immunotherapy or any history of Cancer.
    ▪    Uncontrolled high blood pressure
    ▪    Diabetes
    ▪    Extreme obesity
    ▪    Vascular Diseases(Stroke, PAD, AAA, CAD, AVM, CLTI, Blood Clots, DVT, CVI & varicose veins. 

Rules Of All Services: Deposit, Cancellation and Late Policy
    ▪    There is a non- refundable $20 deposit required to hold your appointment and goes
towards your service fee.

    ▪    Please be on time as it cuts into your service time.

    ▪    If you are running late or need to cancel please call or text (210) 465-6590. You will be at risk of future booking if cancelled 3x. 

    ▪    No call No Show will be at risk for future bookings.