Welcome! My name is Patricia and I’m so excited to share my PattyPaws journey with you!

It all started many years ago. I graduated a year early from high school and had no idea what to do with my life. I had been told to go to college asap because the longer I was out, the more responsibilities I’d gain and the harder it would be to go. I’ve always believed in taking advice. It could save me a lot of time and heartbreak just by listening to the voice of others. So there I was, feeling that push to go to college but for what? I wanted something with a clear goal so I didn’t end up with a generic degree and still no idea what to do with it. So I figured I liked animals and even if it didn’t become a career I could learn a lot that would help me be a better pet owner. It was my second semester at SUNY Delhi in the veterinary technology program when I knew that this was for life. I LOVED it!!! The medicine, the animals, the technology! I got my license in 2012 and have been blessed with a continuously rewarding career. I started in general practice but quickly got hooked on emergency medicine during my time in Alaska, where my boyfriend and I moved shortly after tech school and got married. We spent almost 5 years there and I thrived at this multi doctor 24 hour small animal practice. The fast pace, the midnight emergency calls, the leadership! But after having our first baby we decided to move to Maine to be closer to family. All of our Coast Guard friends said it was just like Juneau but with more sun. More sun and closer (but not too close) to family?! Sounded perfect! After a few years in Maine working in GP and ER we divided to again move closer to home. We had another baby that had a lot of initial medical needs and things just weren’t working out in Maine. Ever since then we’ve been back in NY, reconnected with family, and decided hell…. Let’s have four kids, five dogs, and flock of chickens!

Family means everything to me. But what does this have to do with PattyPaws? Everything! I’ve dedicated my entire career and a big part of my life to animals! My pets are my family and I’m willing to bet that if you’re here, reading this, you feel the same way about your pets too. I have had the luxury of working in veterinary medicine so my pets have always had great care. But ever since Covid….. there’s been a huge gap in resources that have left many without it. That’s where I come in! I want to help fill that gap! I’ve worked mainly with dogs and cats but also have some experience with pocket pets (hamsters, guinea pigs, etc), rabbits, and birds. Check out my services page but also know that you can always message me with special requests and if I can, I’ll help you out!

I can’t wait to meet you and your furry (and potentially less furry) families!