
ReGen wants your session to get the full benefits of the essential oil of your choosing. You will also get to take a lotion sample home with you to carry on the aromatherapy at home. ReGen only carries the most organic and potent essential oils mixed in your lotion and to your therapy rooms diffusor. Enjoy a Hot Towel applied to your back during this session. Pending on medical history and type of massage some essential oils maybe limited.


Young Living Massage Oil

Choose between 6 different Young Living Massage oils that all have a specific job. V-6 for those who have serious skin allergies and need the purest form oil on the skin with no contaminates. Ortho Ease help ease deep to joints and muscle tissues and with the added juniper it will also help reduce inflammation, Ortho Sport is more for those with stiff and sore muscles used after workout or a long hard day, Relaxation help ease tension and stress with hints of lavender and lemongrass, Cell-lite Magic helps with skin appearance, also helps tighten skin and reduces cellulite and last but not least Dragon Time to help aide in hormone balance and menstrual time. Hot towel is applied to the back during this session. Prenatal only allowed V6 and Cell-lite Magic contains grapefruit which has a sun exposure sensitivity and also pay close attention to medications that call to avoid grapefruit as well.
