Procell Micro-channeling treatments create hundreds of micro channels. In response to each lil micro injury, an inflammatory healing cascade begins which initiates the formation of new collagen. Over time, the repeated healing cascade improves the surface texture of the overall appearance of the skin.
I use stem cell serum as I create the microchannels.
Why? Because…
When we are born we have 100% stem cells in our bodies. As we mature fewer of our repairative stem cells survive. By age 50 only about 2% remain.
Human growth -factor serums derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells are known to promote scarless healing with minimal inflammation enhancing collagen growth.
This therapy can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,hyperpigmentation, acne scars, stretch marks, and rosacea and it tightens skin beautifully so it reduces lax skin. Fantastic results in the dreaded neck sag!
As a stand alone treatment Procell is $250 per session.
1 session improves your skin but a series of 3-6 session will be recommended at one month intervals. You will LOVE what this does for your skin!
This treatment is an AMAZING compliment to Jet Plasma Therapy. It will pick up where JPT left off and boost it back into action delivering even more results than Jet Can alone.