Our Mission is to work and contribute to the improvement of underserved, underfunded, and disadvantaged communities.
Our objectives and plans for collaboration with others aim to break the cycle of poverty, encourage unity, and promote "change" in these communities to help prevent children from becoming homeless turning to street life or involved in the criminal justice system.

We aim to provide music and art therapy programs to youth in underserved communities,
We believe that all children, regardless of financial circumstance, should have a chance to explore different avenues of creative self-expression and participate in our music, theatre, and arts  therapy at an early age. This will  encourage  children to later enroll in music and art schools where they can find lucrative careers in the sector and disrupt  the  cycle of  poverty

Our program's are designed to help  kids learn in a fun and safe atmosphere, while simultaneously giving them vital skills that will benefit them in their daily life and help keep them out of trouble.
We believe that there are leaders and change-makers in disadvantaged, underfunded, and underserved communities, and we are prepared to work with them to effect change by providing them with the resource tools they require so that we can successfully work together to help their local communities, promote unity, and save our youth!