Hello and Welcome!

My name is Monica Blazevic and I am a wife, a mother and now a certified Equine Massage Therapist. I have been working in the horse industry as a polo horse trainer/groom since 2015. As I was studying for my Bachelors in Kinesiology, I noticed a lot of the concepts for human biomechanics could also be applied to the horses that I was training for the Polo season. This is what initially drove me to figure out a way to make a business that improves both human and equine biomechanics.

As I began my journey to get my certification in Equine Massage, I saw the benefits of it almost immediately in my horses. They rode smoother, they had a faster recovery time, overall an improvement in their performance. I am excited to bring these services to you so that your horses can also perform at their best potential.

Soon, not only your horse will perform or feel better under my services, you will as well as I finish my Personal Training Certification. That way you too can get stronger in the saddle to perform at your best. With this, under my program, you and your horse will become the Better Horse, Better Rider.