Gina Baines set up Ethos HR as an HR outsourcing company in 2010 when she made the decision to freelance as an HR consultant.
She began to build a client base, providing a service based on an understanding that small to mid-sized organisations without internal HR, as well as HR teams within larger companies needed flexible, hands-on, commercial HR solutions.
The mission is to provide a full service HR outsourcing company offering HR solutions that could be customised and tailored to meet the needs of employers of all sizes.
As a company we have found that many of the employers we work with, need more than an HR advice line; they need someone to handle all their HR needs, passing over key HR tasks and issues to an experienced practitioner who could identify the right solution to resolve issues; giving them peace of mind and HR insights as they handled other aspects of their businesses. HR professionals want hands on HR when their teams are busy, or the specialist experience to undertake project work.
Ethos HR is now an established HR outsourcing company providing excellent HR support to organisations of all sizes, our growth as a business came from our ability to adapt our services to each individual client’s needs and requirements. Since the beginning, we have delivered a truly customised HR service for every client we work with. Everything we do, from the services we provide to the relationships we build, is influenced by our aim to deliver Human Resources with the human touch.