A little about myself and why I chose to get into the dating service industry. I have been playing Cupid for many years and one day my husband said to me, "you should be getting paid to do that". LOL!!! Falling in love can change your life. It brings me immense gratification to see people happy & knowing that I had something to do with that. Many of us have grown accustomed to online dating. While online dating has a good success rate, it also comes with its own set of challenges familiar to many of us. Maybe you thought you had a connection with someone over messaging, only to find out that you didn't have that same energy when you met in person. The pictures looked different online (boy them filters), or the chemistry is just not there upon meeting. Repetitive online dating disappointments can lead to an overall weariness, and the desire to throw in the towel.... But NO MORE!!! Come check us out at our live speed dating events. I will be having many different fun themed events throughout the year and will be hosting at different venues depending on the theme.

My goal is to have an event for everyone in the Victoria and surrounding areas. While speed dating is hardly a perfect science, I believe it will offer the opportunity to help waive some of the frustrations commonly associated with online dating. With the limited supply of fun-for-singles in our area, these events can be a fun and fulfilling experience. You may find yourself developing a renewed zest for getting back out to the dating sceneโ€ฆ. You never know 'til you try right?
Book your spot by clicking on 8 P.M. session link below
Once you have made payment send me your name and number via text or email so I can add your name to the guest list for that session.

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