Samantha Skirka


Samantha Skirka is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who is licensed to practice in Maine, Florida, and Delaware. She also holds additional licenses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.
She is an avid book reader, who recently got back into it (after years of mom-ing and totally not making proper time for self-care) and who also added audiobooks as well! She is reading/listening to 2-3 books at a time generally.

With a bachelors degree in Philosophy, Samantha thrives on intelligent and insightful conversation and she loves books who elicit and foster this. As a clinician, she works with a variety of ages from adolescence to adults focusing primarily on anxiety, depression, trauma, women’s issues, etc. Within literature, Samantha enjoys deep character development and making therapeutic connections and insights.

Samantha and Larissa have been working together professionally for the past three years and have become enthusiastic book friends as well. They were inspired to start this group as both avid book readers and therapists to encourage Healing Through Reading.

Larissa Nickson

