Josh and Alex


Josh is an experience racer that currently performs in the Modlite division. He has owned numerous modlite cars over the years. Alex is the backbone of our team; she deals with the financial side of our team. She has also raced modlites for mulitple years.

JIm and Anthony

Father and son

Jim is the head mechanic for JS racing. He has been in the racing world for many, many years. Whenever the car needs new parts or worked on, Jim is always there. Anthony is an assistant mechanic for our team, he always finds a way to help out his dad and the car. They both are a huge help at the practices and races. Thanks for all your hard work guys!

Joe Dierkes

Sponsor and Detailer

Joe is the founder of Dierkes Auto Detail LLC in Zanesville, OH. This his first year of sponsoring our car. He is fairly new to the racing world. He is always in the garage trying his best to help out our team with the car. Every sunday after our race; he always details our car and trailer. Always keeping the J5 Car all shined up.