Guido Husni

CSO and co-founder CPLANT Co, one of the biggest cannabis & hemp companies in EU and LATAM. Director Claden SA, renowned import/ export company in the fashion industry. Over his trajectory he developed several premium real estate projects in Argentina and Uruguay with Urbania developments. Actually he serves as advisor and investor on numerous projects related to blockchain and biotech industries

Lucas Crivilone

Lucas was involved in a number of sectors including technology, biotech and private banking, both domestic and international.
He has worked as CEO and co-founder of CPLANT Co, one of the biggest cannabis & hemp companies in EU and LATAM, he was co-founder and CEO at Blockchain Unlimited and CAIF both tech and crypto companies and previously he has worked in private banking at CIMA, an asset management fund.

Dr. Pablo Postemsky

Is a chemical technician and has a degree in Biology (National University Argentina, Bahía Blanca) formed as a doctor in the discipline of edible and medicinal fungi from 2005 at the Center for Renewable Natural Resources of the Semi-arid Zone (Cerzos- UNS/CONICET).
Since 2015 he has served as a Conicet researcher focusing on obtaining bioactives and value -added processes through the bioconversion of agribusiness waste.
He is the director and member of the Laboratory of Biotechnology of Edible and Medicinal Fungi of Cerzos, a research group that is represented by various disciplines, which allows them to complement the cultivation of fungi with other production lines that include medicines, food, bioproducts and biomass Pretrada.
In recent years, LBHCYM has been collaborating with particular demands for optimization of processes linked towards objectives to obtain bioactives of importance to health, biomaterials, matrices for bioremediation and products of interest arising from biomass pyrolysis.

Dr. Maximiliano Bidegain

Graduated as a pharmacist (National University Argentina, Bahía Blanca) and as of 2012 he continued his training in the isolation of medicinal value products obtained from cultivation fungi at the Center for Renewable Natural Resources of the Semi-arid Zone (Cerzos-ons/ CONICET). Through this research work, in 2017, he obtained a doctorate in food science and technology.
Since 2020, he serves as a Conicet researcher, focusing on the chemical aspects of bioprocess on a pilot scale aimed at obtaining products of pharmaceutical interest, energy and recycling of nutrients from waste and agroindustrial biomass.
It integrates a research group at the National Technological University that has a high link with the productive environment and that seeks to solve situation problems through technological and processes innovation.
Actually he participates as an advisor to technology transfer projects where specific knowledge of molecules physicochemistry is required during production and purification stages.