Hannah Jane Lucas

Owner and Consultant

Hey you! I am Hannah Jane, and I am so glad you have found my page! The goal here is for you to get a feeling of who I am rather than just what I do. So here it goes-

I am currently studying at the University of Georgia. May of 2024, I will be graduating with a degree in Nutritional Sciences and a minor in Pharmacy. Professionally, I hope to pursue OPT-N and a career in medical sales.

In my time at Georgia, I have gotten a lot more than an education! I am thankful to say I have been a member of Georgia Equestrian, a Division 1 riding team. I have been able to find a lot of things out about myself during these four years: what makes me tick, what I want my life to look like, how I want to interact with others, and how I want to treat myself. I ride outside of the team as well. I like for the horses to keep me busy and my horses, Peppy, Tres, Rocky, and Hollywood, know just how to fill my time. Nothing makes me happier than these animals and hanging around the barn! I additionally have my side kick, Ricky Bobby. Ricky Bobby is my Australian Shephard, but he is more like my other half. He is often bouncing off the walls, happy to socialize, and energetic- just like me (for better or for worse).

A big thing for me is being active. Of course, there is a time for everything, but being on the go seems to keep me grounded. I love running around the country for horse shows, going to the gym, getting outside for a nice run, or just soaking in the sunshine. I know this makes me sound so basic, but it is those things that keep the screws tight for me!

I can go on and on talking about the things I like or my weird ticks, like the radio volume must be on an even number, but that is not my objective. I am only 20, so I know I have a long ways to go in figuring out myself and growing up, but I love the path I am on! My people, my goals, and my achievements are all in line (what a relief right?!). Along this journey, I feel as though I have adapted easy-to-apply steps in how to live a healthy life style. To break this down simply: what you eat effects how you feel and how you feel effects what you are capable of doing. Anyways, I am so excited to potentially help YOU live as your most confident, radiant self.

I look forward to talking soon and always remember "allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen!"

XX, Hannah Jane Lucas