》Be no more than 2 pages in length
》Be in reverse chronological order (most recent information first)
》Layout is consistent
》Tabs are aligned and spacing is even between lines
》Format is clear and easy to read – not overcrowded, enough white space
》Consistent style including font, size & bullet points
》Page numbers are included (e.g., Page 1 of 2)
》Dates are aligned to the left-hand side of the page and written in reverse chronological order
》Section headings are bolded and underlined

》Spelling grammar & punctuation: Ask someone to review your work and ensure your resume does not have any errors
》Verb tenses: Use past tense to describe previous experiences and present tense if the experience is still current
》Bullet points: Use bullet points appropriately to ensure your resume is easy to read and presents well
》Language: Use clear and concise language

Personal Details:
》Contact details are current – name, number, & email
》Optional: LinkedIn URL and residential address
》Ensure your name is a larger font and bolded
Career Objective:
》Who you are (hint: look at the organisations attributes for their employees
》What you are looking for
》What you can offer them
》Order in reverse chronological order
》Include year of completion, name of course/qualification, Institute/Provider
》Any relevant achievements (e.g., Deans list, awards, scholarships)
Clinical Placement:
》Include all student clinical placements (year, ward type & facility)
Key Clinical Skills:
》In dot form write statements with evidence of how or where you have developed and/or used the skill
》Avoid brief descriptions (e.g., good communication skills or attentive to detail)
》A good idea would be to include the clinical competencies that you were assessed on during clinical placement
Employment History:
》Include all previous nursing/midwifery experience
》Include all other experience (including non-nursing)
》You could divide this further into two separate sections (e.g., ‘Relevant Employment’ and ‘Other Employment’)
》Ask permission before including your referees in your resume and ensure your referee knows about the position you have applied for
》Include the names and correct contact details of 2 professional referees (e.g., most recent clinical facilitator &/or current work supervisor/manager)

》Volunteer Experience/Community Engagement – In the same format as placement/employment history, outline relevant skills and abilities that will be valuable.
》Professional Development – any relevant events, conferences or in-service opportunities you have attended or sourced for yourself externally. Include date, name of course and training provider.
》Professional Memberships – Any relevant professional associations that you have membership. Include level of membership, year joined & registration number if appropriate (i.e. AHPRA)


“A cover letter is like the introductory handshake at an interview. It’s a personal greeting on paper or in an email that breaks the ice and introduces you to the prospective employer. It outlines why you’re making contact and why you’d be a valuable employee.”
~ Australian Resumes for Dummies

》Keep to one page
》Date it and personally address the contact person listed in the job description.
》Ensure it is well structured with correct spelling & grammar.
》Write a new one each time & tailor it to the advert.

》Introduction: Explain why you are making contact and your aim including the role that you are applying for.
》Paragraph 1: Brief introduction to your skills and experience
》Paragraph 2/3: Outline how you can contribute as a valuable team member to the position and the organisation. Demonstrate your
knowledge of the organisation and mission/values and how you will
》Paragraph 4: Sign off with a brief summary linking to your resume.