Unemployment is now like a cancer in S.A lately. Research shows that unemployment above 32% in 2nd quarter(general population) 15-24 years(60.7%) and 25-34(39.8%).Smart Ideas is taking a stand in fight this pandemic through grouping them into different clusters /categorize them (profiling) identifying their needs training(with Matric,Graduates and without Matric who want soft and hard skills) we also train,coach,capacity building ,provide career development and mentorship

In the form of booth camps up skill them ,create email , Linked in profile & professional CV's ,provide soft skills and hard skills in line with individual needs.
We have on boarding option where we profile ,give training and skills with certificate from recognized institutions,create comprehensive CV and give learner data to apply for 3-6 months (depending option) .Once the learner called for interview we provide interview preparation and support.