Dog's Last Days On Earth

An Animated Mini-Series

A jaded fifth grader named Rex - forced to live with his older brother Tommy - learns to care again when they rescue a dog named Beans.

But then the worst thing Rex can imagine happens. Beans is diagnosed with a terminal illness, prompting Rex to create a bucket list of adventures for him. After taking Beans to school, Rex's classmates discover his secret and join the mission.

Together, Rex, Beans, and friends like Yara, Gunner, and Dot embark on a series of mischievous adventures that bring them closer and help Rex reconnect with his brother and new friends.

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"Dog's Last Days On Earth" is inspired the true connection between a kid and their dog, and the difficulties of leaving home and starting anew.

Filled with humor, friendship, emotion, and fun, "Dog's Last Days On Earth" follows the life of an eleven-year-old facing feelings of loss, loneliness, and displacement who learns how to open up and make friends through his furry companion.


Main Character

Rex, a boy with a love for dinosaurs - specifically the T-Rex, is removed from a neglectful home and placed with his older brother, Tommy.

Untrusting and bitter, Rex refuses to make friends, leave the house, or step out of his comfort zone. He wants absolutely nothing to do with with Tommy or his new life in small-town Greenwood. That is, until they find Beans.

With the task of caring for his new pet, Rex sets forward with the plan to make Bean's life the best it can be. And with Bean's aid, Rex finally starts to make friends, open up to Tommy, and even believe that love could exist. After all, Rex does love Beans.


Yara, a kind-hearted and loud kid from Rex’s class, is the first to notice Beans, hidden in his backpack.

After learning of Rex’s plan to give Beans new life experiences, Yara helps him think of six things all dogs should do.

Being partially deaf, Yara had also struggled to make friends at school. She makes it her mission to befriend Rex, whether it's easy or not.


Dot, also from Rex’s class, is also his next door neighbour.

Shy, but easily convinced with food, Dot gets dragged along by Yara into the new groups mission.

Selectively mute, it takes a lot for Dot to feel comfortable speaking, especially in public at school. But Dot feels more and more desire to speak, and to tell her new friends how much it means to her that they gave her a chance.


Gunner, a year younger than everyone in the grade, think his classmates view him as too much of a baby.

He desperately wants to be rough, handy, countryman like his father. However, he lacks coordination, a pain tolerance, and any bodily strength whatsoever. And he still carries around a shark stuffed-animal.

Determined to prove he can be "cool", Gunner is roped into Rex's shenanigans alongside his stepsister, Dot.

Currently in

Inspired by my own deep deep attachment to my chronically ill dog 💙 - Yumna Jane

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