
Your new sod will need to be watered frequently until it roots in.

If planting sod during the warmer months, your sod needs to be watered an average of 15 minutes per day whether it’s once or twice a day. Sunny areas may require more, shady areas may require less. You want your sod to remain moist, not soggy and not dry. If your sod is yellowing, that is a common sign of overwatering so back off on watering a little.

If planting sod during the spring/fall, be mindful of fluctuations in temperatures. If temperatures are 50 or below you will need to back off on watering. Simply check your sod by sticking your finger in the dirt to check for moistness. If it seems nice and moist, skip watering until it becomes drier. Watering will need to be increased with warmer temperatures.

For planting during the winter, please allow more time for the sod to take root. Freezing temperatures will cause the sod to go dormant and delay the rooting process. Do not water your sod if temperatures are below 40 degrees. Make sure and water before a hard freeze and that’ll help your sod prevent from any frost damage.


If possible, keep pets off your new sod throughout the rooting process. This will help keep the sod sheets from sifting and dog urine is very toxic for grass. Any yellowing spots caused from urine can cause your sod to die. There are many dog treat products out there that help keep from causing yellow spots that work well, simply research dog urine treats for lawns. If anything, immediately water any areas where dogs may have passed urine to dilute it.


We do not apply any pre emergent products during the sod installation process, you may want to do this soon after installation. Please contact a professional lawn care company if you are uncomfortable with applying any pre emergent products. If applied wrong, it CAN kill your sod so you’ll want to be careful!

We recommend waiting about 2 weeks prior to applying fertilizer. Keep in mind many weed and feed products and fertilizers can kill your new sod. If you are uncomfortable applying we recommend hiring a professional lawn care maintenance team to take care of you. We also absolutely NEVER recommend using ANY Scott’s products. We have replaced 3 new yards that homeowner’s applied Scott’s on and their yards died.

Grub Worms

Grub Worms are our one of our areas number one enemies!

What are Grub Worms? Grub worms are beetle larvae, commonly June Bug larvae. They primary feast on roots, causing your grass to die.

We recommend using a lawn insect treatment that treats for grub worms or hire a professional every April and July.

Many products also treat for other yard pests such as fleas, ticks, spiders and other creepy crawly bugs!


After about 2-4 weeks, maybe longer during winter, your sod should fully take root. Once you can pull on your sod and it feels like you’re pulling on a head full of hair and you no longer feel any play, your sod is now firmly rooted. We recommend waiting an additional week or so before mowing. If you mow too soon, the sod sheets can be pulled into your mower deck causing a slew of problems for your sod and mower.

Mowing depth should be adjusted accordingly. Too short can cause your lawn to burn. It is recommended to leave fescue at least 3” long.