Johnathan North


I have the privilege of serving life giving leaders who, like me, are learning how to prioritize their emotional and spiritual health. Making this shift ain't easy and doesn't happen overnight.

My desire to invest in leaders came after hitting the wall while church planting. This event turned my life upside down but God graciously used it to both save me from an unsustainable pace and experience his love like never before and I began this journey towards surrender, creating boundaries and cultivating a rhythm of life that reflects the invitation Jesus gives us:

"Come to me...walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Matthew 11 (Message Version)

I've been a pastor for over 25 years. Ali and I met in a coffee shop and soon after married in 2000. We have three children ages 18 to 8. We love calling Greenville, SC home. We’re surrounded by some of the best people on the planet and close to the mountains, lakes and ocean. If we are not at home hanging out with family and friends we are on adventures nearby.