Regular Cleaning

~Kitchen & Dining area~

Wipe down kitchen tops using a clean cloth and a high-quality disinfectant spray or cleaner. This should include all surfaces, including cabinets and drawers
Clean and disinfect the exterior of the microwave using appropriate cleaning solutions and tools
Wipe down the exterior of all appliances, including the washing machine, dishwasher, and oven, using a damp cloth and suitable cleaning solutions
Clean the hob, removing any stains or grime using a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth
Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor to remove any loose dirt or debris, then mop it using a suitable cleaning solution for a thorough clean
Wipe and polish the bin exterior using disinfectant spray and a clean cloth for maximum sanitation
Dust skirting boards to ensure a clean appearance.
Dust radiators
Disinfect all high traffic areas such as door handles and light switches to ensure a thorough clean


Thoroughly clean and disinfect the toilet, including the bowl, seat, and lid, using appropriate cleaning and disinfecting agents.
Clean and disinfect the sink and countertop
Clean and disinfect the shower or bathtub
Clean and disinfect the mirrors using a streak-free cleaning solution and a microfiber cloth
Remove any cobwebs from corners and ceiling
Empty and wipe down the exterior of the bin, and replace the bin liner with a new one
Sweep or vacuum the floor, paying special attention to corners and edges, then mop or wipe it down with a cleaning solution appropriate for the type of flooring
Wipe down the shower doors
Replace any towels, bath mats, or other linens provided with fresh, clean ones

~Bedroom & Living area~

Dust all surfaces, including window sills, skirting boards, using a microfiber cloth or a duster.Vacuuming carpets, rugs and sweeping or dusting hard floors, including corners and edges
Vacuum carpets, rugs, paying special attention to high-traffic areas and hard-to-reach corners and edges
Disinfect all high-traffic areas such as door handles and light switches using a disinfectant spray or cleaner and a clean cloth
Clean floors with a mop and an appropriate cleaning solution
Empty bins and wipe down the exterior with a disinfectant spray or cleaner and a clean cloth
Wiping down all mirrors with a glass cleaner to remove dust, fingerprints and smudges
Cobwebs Removal
Dust radiators using a microfiber cloth or a duster