30-minute Consultation-Free
Up to 90 Minutes-Intake Appointment-$100
60 Minute Session-$75
90 Minute Session-$110
Time Varies Meditation Session-$25

Packages-Must be paid upfront
Three 60 Minute Sessions-$200
Six 60 Minute Sessions-$390

Consultations are used to briefly discuss why you are considering coaching and if we would be a good match. To schedule a consultation, visit the “Contact Me” tab.
Intake Appointments are important to identify what areas you need help with. We will also discuss different techniques that you are comfortable with. This appointment can go up to 90 minutes. After this, your next appointment can be scheduled as early as 1 week out. I suggest 2-3 appointment a month to start to set a good foundation and to track progress.
Meditation sessions are great for clearing the mind and opening chakras. While you don't have to go through intake for these sessions, it is highly encouraged so that I can provide the best services.
Packages are offered at discounted prices for when you know you want to continue working with me

Monday-Friday 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

If you are interested in my services, but unable to pay the full cost upfront, send me a message and we can set up a bi-weekly or monthly payment plan. If you prefer a different payment method, contact me. I accept Venmo, PayPal, and check outside paying via credit card. I want my services to be available to all.