Hi, I'm Monica Bearman, the Executive Director and Owner of "One Day at a Time".
This program is my mission to my daughter Kristiina, a place where she is accepted and treated like an equal while being given the opportunity to learn, thrive and socialize with peers. Many of you may not realize, but I am also a parent of a special needs adult.
After Kristiina finished high school, my husband and I spent 18 months searching for a day program that would accommodate the needs of Kristiina. We got tired of hearing that she was too high or too low of functioning for specific programs. We came to the heartbreaking conclusion that others looked at her as a problem or a number instead of a person like you or I. We were thrilled when we finally found a program that would give her a chance. After 5 1/2 years, Kristiina's day program provider decided it was time for a change and relocated back to his hometown 18 hours away. We have been on several waiting lists since the beginning with no call back. I decided it was the opportune time to develop a day program that would meet the needs of, not only my daughter, but many others. My goal was to create an all-inclusive day program where individuals with various special needs would have the opportunity to learn valuable life skills and feel like they belong.
If this sounds all too familiar to you and your family, I encourage you to come check out our program! Together, "One Day at a Time", we will support our children to become a part of something more, a part of a community that sees them for who they really are!