Single-session program ($60 per session)

The single-session program includes a few breathing techniques, tips on good form, and a general structure of a beneficial workout. It’s ideal for someone who simply needs a refresher on specific exercises or a nudge in the right direction.

Three-Session Program ($55 per session - $165 total)

The three-session program is for those who know they need to make some lifestyle changes but aren’t sure where to start. The first session is dedicated to outlining your current fitness level, goals, eating habits, and postural analysis. The second and third sessions are training sessions where you will perform the personalized exercises with good form and proper breathing.

Weekly Programs
6-9 sessions = $50 per session
10+ sessions = $45 per session

If you are fully committed to self-improvement I highly recommend choosing one of these programs. With the weekly programs you will receive detailed progression tracking, monthly assessments, consistent support, exercise form analysis, and mindfulness training. Learn how to turn exercise into a habit that will make the rest of your day-to-day life easier.