Why Laughter Yoga?

• Unique Experience, (something different)
• Health and wellness benefits
• Energizing conferences and meetings
• Connecting teams
• Boosting confidence
• Increase attention spans, motivation and engagement
• Helps teams deal with change and process loss
• Prevents burnout and reduce the risk for vicarious trauma

These past few years have left many people feeling a loneliness and disconnection to those around them, the demands and daily stressors have left many people overwhelmed and exhausted. Never mind the drive to work, many people are highly stressed before they even leave their house!

We all experience stress at work from time to time, that pending deadline, a difficult colleague, challenging client, or a project that’s not going as planned. Whatever the cause, it’s important to find ways to manage your stress and improve your efficiency at work and research is telling us that laughing reduces stress and improves productivity.

Stress is a common problem in the workplace, resulting in many negative consequences for both employees and employers. When employees are stressed, they produce less, are disengaged, and have an increased likelihood to make mistakes. Employers will see an increase in sick time, absenteeism, turnover, and raise in benefits cost.

Laughing reduces stress by promoting relaxation and releasing tension. When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins, which promote a sense of well-being. Laughter also increases blood flow and oxygen, which boosts the immune system and diminish muscle tension.

Boosts Morale

Employees who are stressed or unhappy can bring down morale resulting in coworkers feeling their distress. Low morale, disgruntled and disconnected employees can turn a workplace toxic. Laughing together can help improve morale by promoting a positive and playful atmosphere. When employees feel comfortable laughing and having fun at work, it can help create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.

Team Building

A fun team building experience combined with stress-relieving benefits will leave your team feeling energized, revitalized and interconnectedness. Laughter yoga uses a gentle playfulness and silliness which allows for imaginative pretending. This silliness creates the conditions for employees to experience each other in a fun and engaging manner.

Inspiring Creativity

Laughter yoga fosters creativity. When employees are feeling relaxed and having fun, they are more likely to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. Laughing in a group can help break down mental barriers and promote a sense of openness and creativity.

Increasing Productivity

There is an increase in productivity when employees are less stressed, have a sense of belonging, and are feeling more creative. Laughing yoga helps employees feel more energized and engaged, which can help them work more efficiently and effectively.

Laughter Yoga at the workplace?

One way to incorporate laughter yoga into the workplace is to host regular laughter sessions. Weekly in person or online laughter nooner sessions. Start the week off with Monday Laughter or end the week with laughter, perhaps it has been a particular hard week and you need a mid laugh week. Laughter Yoga is a great break from long meetings and conference, or an unique way to foster connections, relationship repair and team building.

Elements Laughter Yoga knows the power of laughter, and we offer a variety of laughter services to help businesses incorporate laughter into their workplace health and wellness programs. Don’t have a workplace health and wellness program? No worries, we can help with that. We can meet your unique needs whether you’re looking to host regular laughter yoga sessions for team building, or you are in charge of organizing an event, we can help. Contact us today to learn more and get started on the path to a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.