Research has shown laughing 15 minutes daily:

Increases blood circulation—laughing causes an “internal jogging” that massages and increases circulation to flush the body and organs of waste products resulting in our body ready to operate at peak performance.

Boosts immune system—research has shown that within 2 to 3 months of a consistent laughing practice boosts our immune system, with less colds, coughs and upper respiratory tract infections.

Heart disease and hypertension—research has also shown that laughter dilates blood vessels promoting circulation and reducing blood pressure. A daily dose of laughter reduces cholesterol, improves blood circulation to the heart.

Bronchitis and asthma—laughter exercises remove the thick mucus from the inner lining of the bronchi which improves the flow of air into the lungs.

Diabetes Care—research has also shown Laughter Yoga exercises can help control fasting and postprandial blood sugar. It also reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible for increase in sugar levels, it even increases the blood flow to the pancreas which improves the production of insulin.