Elements Laughter Yoga

Healing and Connecting with Laughter

Laughter really is contagious! Fun fact our brain can not tell the difference between real and fake laughter. This means your body will reap the benefits of laughter just by doing laughter exercises. Various states of cognitive decline, will not impact a persons capacity to participate in laughter yoga. Brain Science shows us when we laugh, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins, our feel-good chemicals, are released, which temporarily stops the release of cortisol, our stress hormone. Dopamine enhances attention, promotes engagement, and boosts motivation. Oxytocin creates feelings of love and connection towards ourselves and others and fosters an overall sense of feel good and endorphins further enhances our feelings of pleasure. Thus, a 50 minute session of laughter yoga impacts both mental and physical wellness of participants and increases social activity.

Contact Us

Elements Laughter Yoga Club meets weekly. Free to join. Let's explore our community with laughter! Adult and family friendly sessions