The truth is, the older we get the less we laugh. Children laugh over 300 times per day and the average adult laughs 18 times per day. Elements Laughter Yoga Elder Care sessions strives to reduced the emotional and physical stresses seniors experience living away from home, family and loved ones. Age related changes may reduce our capacity for laughter due to cognitive decline because of delirium, depression and dementia and may struggle with comprehend or follow jokes.

Seniors living in care facilities, may experience complex loss and grief unique to every individual, and they have and continue to experience loss of memories, and freedoms Many are left feeling lonely and isolated. laughing has shown to foster a sense of connection and community. Laughter Yoga is ideal for seniors, not only because of the laughter it brings into their lives, but also because laughter yoga does not rely on jokes, humor or comedy and it is suited for any level of physical abilities. The health and wellness benefits of laughter have been well documented, research has shown 10 to 15 minutes of hearty laughter several times a week:

Maintains and enhances mood—Laughter Yoga frees the flow of emotions and releases pent up feelings. It can defuse feelings like fear, anger and resentment and cultivates positive emotions such as unconditional love, generosity, compassion and kindness for self and others.

Reduces symptoms of depression—because laughing increases our feel good and pleasure hormones, it can reduce our dependence on pharmaceutical intervention.

Reduces symptoms of anxiety—when we are experiencing stress, our breathing often becomes faster, shallow and irregular, some people hold their breath when in a stressful emotional state, this actually lends to an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. Laughter Yoga lowers the amount of residual air in the lungs, replacing it with oxygen rich air and reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the lungs, which reduces the risk of pulmonary infection.

Increases connections—Laughing yoga provides social support and leaves you with feelings of connection, belonging and general sense of well being.

Improve circulation—laughing causes an “internal jogging” of the body systems that increases circulation thereby flushing the body and organs of toxins allowing for all body systems to work more efficiently.

Boosts immune system—a consistent laughing practice over 8 to 12 weeks, can boosts the immune system, lessen the severity of colds, coughs and upper respiratory tract infections.

Heart disease and hypertension—laughter causes vasodilation and may promote circulation and reduce blood pressure. A daily dose of laughter may act to reduce cholesterol.

Respiratory Health—laughter exercises remove the thick mucus from the inner lining of the bronchi which improves the flow of air into the lungs, increase oxygen saturation and promotes deep breathing and coughing.

Diabetes—Laughter Yoga exercises can help control blood sugar levels. It reduces the stress hormone cortisol, which contributes to high blood sugar levels, laughter can also increase circulation to the pancreas which may improve the natural production of insulin in type 2 diabetics.