
To combine the healing properties and wellness benefits of Forest Bathing and Laughter Yoga in one grounding experience.

To provide connection with nature, build relationships and strengthen team (interpersonal) dynamics

By combining both of these unique concepts, using nature and laughter for healing and connecting, creates a safe and enjoyable grounding experience for all.

What is Forest Therapy and Laughter Yoga?

Forest Therapy is a mindful experience of slowing down and being in the present moment. It is a blend of ancient traditions and modern research for supporting healing, wellness, and happiness through immersion in forests and other natural settings. It is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates into Forest Bathing.

Forest Therapy is an open-ended practice that creates a different experience every time you go out into nature. Each person will have their own unique experience, therefore, there are no expectations of what one "should" expect in experience or benefits. There is no right way or wrong way; just your way. The guide opens the door; the forest is the therapist.

Your guide takes you through a structured experience with a clearly defined sequence of invitations to connect with nature and then opportunities to share your noticings.

Laughter Yoga creates an environment where anyone can laugh without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. We initiate laughter as an exercise, and with eye contact and childlike playfulness, the “fake” laughter soon turns into real and contagious laughter. The reason why it is called Laughter Yoga is because we combine laughing exercises with deep breathing—resulting in more oxygen flowing in your body and brain.

We weave the 4 Components to Laughter Yoga throughout each session: 1) Clapping 2) Deep Breathing 3) Childlike Playfulness and 4)Laughter exercises.

We follow the three principles of Laughter Yoga: 1) Eye contact, 2) Motion moves emotion and 3) Simulate to stimulate (fake it and it will be real).

Health and Wellness Benefits of Nature and Laughing

30 years of research supports that spending as little as 15 minutes per day in nature improves human physiological and psychological systems. Studies show forest bathing has therapeutic effects on the:
● immune system function (increase in natural killer cells/cancer prevention);
● cardiovascular system (hypertension/coronary artery disease);
● the respiratory system (allergies and respiratory disease);
● depression and anxiety (mood disorders and stress);
● mental relaxation (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
● human feelings of “awe” (increase in gratitude and selflessness)
● Clarity, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity
● Improved sleep
● Accelerated healing time post surgery
● Increased connection with self, others and nature
● Decreased illness (stronger immune system)

Laughing provides us with the same benefits as any aerobic exercise—just 10 minutes of hearty laughter is equivalent to 30 minutes of being on the rowing machine! Even better, 5 minutes of laughing releases the same amount of endorphins as jogging for 1 hour does! Laughter Yoga is a great alternative for people who do not have time to exercise.

They say laughter is the best medicine and research has proven laughing:

● Increases oxygen flowing in your body and brain
● Maintains and enhances mood
● Releases pleasure hormones, dopamine and serotonin
● Reduces anxiety and stops panic attacks
● Increases feelings of connection
● Increases blood circulation
● Reduces cholesterol, improves blood circulation to the heart
● Improves the flow of air into the lungs
● Reduces the stress hormone cortisol

Ya Doma and Elements Laughter Yoga offers a tailored laughter in nature experience to meet your relationship building needs. While a traditional forest therapy walk is 3 hours and a typical laughing yoga class is 1 hour long we can create your experience anywhere from 3 or more hours. Contact us to discuss how we can create the laughing in nature experience to meet your unique needs.

Corporate Pricing and Waiver Forms
Prices are to be paid in full prior to the session.
The rate is based on 10 participants and a small snack. Each additional participant will be an extra $50.00.
3 hour team building and mental wellness experience ($750)
4 hours ($950)

5 hr or more
Prices will vary

Once your session is booked you will receive a welcome email with specified details with an attached waiver form. Waiver forms must be signed by all participants prior to the experience.

Supplemental Forest Therapy or Counseling Sessions
Therapeutic sessions for individual processing, integration, and enhancement of self can be provided separately. Supplemental sessions are taken upon the interested participant to inquire with Kim at Ya Doma. Kim is a certified forest therapy guide, teacher, and clinical counselor who desires to work with you along your journey towards self actualization.

Laughing Yoga Sessions
The Craft of Wellness facilitates a free laughing yoga club, called Elements which holds in person and online sessions. You can find laughing yoga sessions in our community’s parks, rivers and forests as well as in studios contact us for more information.

Catherine is a certified laughing yoga leader and Life Coach, Self Care Educator and Wellness Facilitator who has years of experience working with both adults and children who have experienced complex trauma.

Psychoeducation Seminars
As clinical counsellors, educators, and facilitators we offer you and your team a variety of knowledge on health and wellness such as self care practice, mindfulness, trauma, burnout, addictions, and self actualization.

Leadership and Team Building
Connect, socialize, and boost morale! We provide experiential opportunities to promote sustainable and inspirational leadership and strong cohesive bonds amongst your team.

For more information, please visit Feel free to connect with Kim at Ya Doma Nature and Forest Therapy if you have any questions or Catherine at The Craft of Wellness

See You in the forest!

Kat and Kim